
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Share and Voice: Energy Conservation Project

I was looking for a project to tell you about when I kept stumbling on tips on how to save energy. And we all now that saving energy is good for the environment. So I thought I would share some of those with you. I don't know about the rest of you, but I know at my house everybody cringes when the utility bills come in the mail. So I think some of these tips will come in really handy.

1. Use power strips: Things like televisions, computers, gaming consoles, and stereos can use up to 25% of their total power when they are on standby. Plugging all these devices into power strips so you can completely cut the power off when you are not using can make a big dent in your energy consumption.

2. Only use full washer machines: This goes for both clothes and dish washers. Even it you set them at a small load setting you are still wasting water and electricity. Washers are designed to be most efficient when they are full. So save up your laundry until you have a full load, and keep the dishwasher off until you have it filled. On a second note about dish washers; most have a drying cycle at the end, and that is just the heating element running really hot to evaporate as much water as possible. You can stop the washer right before this cycle and let your dishes air dry, or use a towel, and save some electricity by not using that electric heating element.

3. Use Energy Star compliant appliances: When purchasing new appliances look for the blue energy star logo. These appliances are proven to be more efficient than other models. Although they might cost a little more up front, they will save over the long term with the savings on the utility bill. However, if your appliance works fine, you shouldn't go out and get a new one just to be more efficient. This will just put to waste the old one, although some of it may be  recyclable, you are still wasting resources, so wait until the one you have fails to invest in a new one.

4.Watch the windows: The average house spends about 30% of its utility bills on heating, and 17% in the summer for cooling. In the winter make sure all windows are closed snugly, and make sure the storm windows are closed also. Additionally you can put plastic over the inside to create another barrier for heat loss, affordable kits are available at all home improvement stores like Menards, and they will pay for themselves with the savings. In the summer use the breeze instead of the air conditioner to keep your place cool. You can open all the windows at night and then close them in the morning when it gets warmer out if you can't get a breeze moving through your house. Lastly, when you are running either the heater or air conditioner, leave the doors closed as much as possible to lessen your losses.

5. Insulate your water: Putting an insulation jacket on your water heater can reduce heat loss by up to 20%. You should also make sure there is pipe insulation on all the hot water pipes. If you have a gas water heater make sure it is properly ventilated, there is an air intake screen near the bottom by the pilot light, after you put put the insulation on it you might have to cut around that vent, proper ventilation will keep the heater running at peak efficiency.

6. Maintenance: There are a couple of simply things you can do to keep your heating and cooling systems running efficiently. Heaters have an air filter that should be cleaned or replaced according to the manufactures recommendation (usually every 90 days during heating season). Air conditioners have a screen and filter that should be cleaned at least once a year. If you are unsure of how to do these things try to find a manual for your product online, if you are still unsure call a professional to show you. There is no point in breaking something trying to clean a filter. Most refrigerators have a filter on the back or bottom, these are hard to get at but if you are ever doing some heavy cleaning you might consider vacuuming the filter. Some heating oil, gas providers, and electric companies offer pamphlets and tips on how to keep your appliances running properly.

The internet is full of resources for saving energy. Hopefully some of these tips will come in handy to save on your utility bill and help save some of the environment.

WWF Energy Conservation


  1. These are really great tips on how to help save energy and saving energy equals saving money which is good for us college students. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Really interesting topic John! There is lots that can be easily done to save water adn heating. It's interesting that putting an insulating jacket on your water heater can reduce heat loss by up to 20%.

  3. Thanks for sharing! I always wondered if power strips were better or worse.. so it's good to know!
    Also the tip about stopping your dish washer before the drying cycle caught my attention - mine never really dries mine anyway, so it would be smart to not even waste the energy on it. Hadn't really thought of that, thanks!
