
Monday, December 12, 2011

Advocacy Project; Letter to Elected Official

December 12, 2011

Congressman Sean Duffy
1208 Longworth House Office Building,
District of Columbia 20515-4907

Please vote yes on House Bill 80 Global Water Access and Equity Act. This bill is important for the well being of millions of people in developing countries.

There is a problem with the quantity, quality, and accessibility of drinking water in developing countries. It would only take a few dollars from everybody to save so many lives. It is hard to convince people in these fiscally hard times to send money overseas, but this is well worth it.

 Every 15 seconds a child dies from a disease that could have easily been prevented just by giving them clean drinking water. That is 1.5 million children a year. How much is one child worth? Is it worth sending two dollars from each of us to save their lives? I think it is more than worth it.

 It is not just money being spent either. It is an investment. When people grow up to be healthy their live are completely different. Children who were sick can go to school. People who spent most of their day gathering drinking water can use that time to help other people. The amount of money that would be saved in the future over these people would be tremendous. Imagine a million people going to work, rather than being sick in a hospital. That is a double win.

There is a definite economic and moral advantage to sending money to provide clean drinking water in developing countries. I hope that you recognize and evaluate the benefits of this bill. Additionally I hope that you give House Resolution 80, Global Water Access and Equity Act your affirmative vote. If you have any question for me, or wish to discuss this bill further with me, I can contacted at 123-456-7890 or via email


  1. "Every 15 seconds a child dies from a disease that could have easily been prevented just by giving them clean drinking water. That is 1.5 million children a year. How much is one child worth? Is it worth sending two dollars from each of us to save their lives? I think it is more than worth it." -- WOW you worded that very well! It sure catches the attention and pulls on the heart strings!

  2. I've personally been in a developing country and have seen first hand some of the drinking conditions. Your topic is interesting and extremely important. Good job on the letter!

  3. The facts are shocking and I don't know how someone would not want to donate 2 dollars. I think it is a great investment and that everyone should donate money. Thanks for sharing this topic!
